Logo and graphic design for the Well Lab Brand
Nick from Well Lab came to us initially to help develop the logo and the brand of his business… Well Lab, is an umbrella company. Home to a series of smaller brands who are all operating within the health and nutrition sector. After our initial meeting with Nick and his team. We set to work in researching and gathering ideas as to how we could develop this brand. Various ideas were thrown around, some stuck, some were dropped….. then picked back up and developed.
After developing a series of designs, we again sat down with Well Lab to view and talk about the designs. Answering any questions and talking through the designs. The second meeting went just as well as the first meeting. Well Lab loved the first initial designs and gave some great feedback. After a reworking one of the designs and another revision of the chosen logo we added colour to the final design and the process of creating the logo was almost complete.
With the colour scheme decided, we then moved on to creating labels for one of the Well Lab products. These labels were for weight loss tablets, carb blockers and fat burners, this then moved onto creating another series of labels for vitamin sprays. In a growing market the branding for Well Lab is a classic design, elevating the brand above the competition.
With the brand created for Well Lab all finished. We then moved onto the labels and packaging for another of the Well Lab products, CBD Oil Sprays. This project involved various boxes for different sizes, different flavours and all produced on a tight deadline. The products are available in various private clinics throughout the UK. Various promotional print was printed to advertise the Well Lab products that are available and placed in these clinics up and down the country.