Just when is the right time to rebrand your business? Ramsbottom based Jacobs Ladder took the decision to implement changes as they grew, this is how we helped them.
When should you rebrand your business is a delicate question. People get attached to what they have currently, and get scared of change. It has worked for me for the past 10 years so why should i change….?
Jacobs Ladder who are based in Ramsbottom, Bury made the decision to rebrand the business six months ago. Simon and his team came in for an initial meeting where we talked about what they had originally. What they loved. What they hated and also how the business was developing.
This was the main reason for the change, was that the business was developing, it was no longer just a letting agents. The business had evolved from lettings through to property management and had now for the past two years sold houses as well. So the market had changed, their audience and the business had changed and this was for sure, the right time for their image to change.
We designed a simplistic icon style logo, based on a flower the icon has a fantastic curve to it, the curves a mirrored and angled to form the shape and it works fantastically. From the sales and lettings boards which are placed outside the properties. To the stationery and the other promotional materials, the new brand is light, modern and very welcoming. A new colour palette was developed which is to be pushed through all promotional avenues. Light and vibrant to show off the friendly vibe that the business holds as key to its reputation. Social media and printed material would all be uniform with the same Gotham font utilised.
The new brand now mirrors where the business is and wants to be.