I cant find my site on Google!!!! Is there a cheaper alternative to Search Engine Optimisation?
Its a fact that an SEO campaign can be very costly. We have actually set up SEO campaigns for some of our more established clients. It is worth the investment for them. As they receive the money back and more, with the results they see from an SEO campaign. But what if you are a smaller business, and want to get noticed online. An expensive campaign is a huge risk and may not bring in the required revenue to pay for itself.
So we may have an alternative…. Are you ready? drum roll please ladies and gentlemen. Its not actually a secret as most of you will already be doing it, but social media is key here…. For the past couple of months we have been monitoring our own analytics from the Hypa website with great interest. As we have purposely posted social media posts everyday with our interaction on the 36 days of type online competition (to view the alphabet created, it is now posted in our work section of the website).
So what is so interesting about our analytics is that it shows 60% of traffic to our website in the past two months has come to us through social media, that is huge!!! and comparing the costs of social media campaigns to SEO campaigns, it comes in at a fraction of the SEO cost. So obviously we are not saying to you put all your eggs in one basket and go big on social media, as you will have read from ourselves before, everything works hand in hand. But if you are a small business and an SEO campaign is out of budget, or wouldn’t get the return you were looking for to justify the outlay….. then a social media campaign is something that would and should be interesting you right now.
So how can you attract traffic to your website through your social media platforms, apart from having the relevant contact details and web address posted in your bio on all accounts (a must!) Its about getting noticed, being relevant and memorable. So how do you become memorable on a platform which is saturated with other businesses on there…. Branding, its a continuation of your brand that will make you memorable. For instance if you are posting random images with no particular branding to connect the image to your company. Then how will the viewer recognise you 3 days later?
A cheaper alternative
As an example, a hairdresser posts regular on Instagram, fantastic but so do hundreds of other hairdressers… someone might love the style of the hair that was cut 3 weeks ago, but when it comes to actually acting on the post and the prospective client wanting to change their hairstyle to the post they viewed, there have now been a million other posts and unless they liked or saved the post, they are not going to find the the image in a saturated social media platform. View an example here of what we created for Teddies Hairdressing which will help you see just what we could do for your business.
But if your images were all branded, framed or some kind of key detail on each and every image branded. These posts to your social media platforms would then become more memorable. The viewer has a better chance of searching and finding a post by yourself rather than the competitions posts.
So this coupled with clever hashtags and you are starting to make a dent on social media. Social media is not going to go away, and it is a fantastic marketing tool.
So if you are wondering if people are finding your site on Google. If you would like to improve your business platforms. We’d love to discuss how we could help, speak with Mark at Hypa Concept. Let’s start a conversation about your social media needs. Call 0161 763 8735 or leave a message through our website.
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